A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y

Survive by making profit even if non intelligent

Company XYZ sells a wide line of products.

This Company XYZ discovers their main sources of income are the bogus products that aren't exactly honest products. They continue to sell both honest products and bogus hyped products.

The company exists in a capitalist society. So in order for the company to stay in business, it is of its best interest to continue selling the bogus products. Even if for temporary short term gains, it is of the company's best interest to make the most profits.

It is of best interest for this company sell products which don't even work, but people seem to like. It is of best interest for the company to sell whatever sells - not just what is intelligent.

For example: a fucking health food store. 1250 different "supplements" that do absolutely fuck all, for the low price of $9.99 per bottle. Sure, some of these supplements actually work - but the majority of the health food store is a homeopathic do nothing fraud.

A company's goal in a capitalist society (and other political systems) is to profit, not to be intelligent. Intelligence is not directly correlated with profit.

A society that is not capitalist, but based on insight and intelligence, has has a main goal of being insightful and intelligent. The goal is not a virtual and irrelevant "profit" or number game in an Insightful society.

Note: this page is not recommending socialism, capitalism, communism, or fascism. This page is trying to bring out intelligence and insight as a way of life, instead of politics and economy.

This site is about programming and other things.
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